

確保新手媽媽得到充分的休息和營及確保母乳量充沛。當然不是立即決定減重,應是擁有良好均衡和營養的飲食。開始計畫規律的運動健身,BLT EMSCULPT®肌動減脂是可參考的選項。

BLT EMSCULPT®肌動減脂 擁有線條不需費力

科技突破體雕新思維,以「肌肉」引領新一代體雕市場。BLT EMSCULPT®專利 HIFEM(高強度聚焦磁能)技術刺激局部肌肉運動,顛覆您對曲線的想像。


雖然BLT EMSCULPT®肌動減脂是健身的捷徑,但在療程結束後還是需要持續運動、保持健康飲食習慣。


BLT EMSCULPT®肌動減脂運用 HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy)技術,通過高頻收縮信號,刺激神經直接深入7cm肌肉深層,刺激肌肉30分鐘收縮20,000次,令自體肌肉不斷擴張及收縮,進行極限訓練。療程中只有肌肉收縮感覺,不累、非侵入。



  • 1. Katz B., Bard R., Goldfarb R., Shiloh A., Kenolova D. Changes in subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness following High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) field treatments: A multi center ultrasound study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX.
  • 2. Kinney M. Brian, Lozanova Paula. High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) therapy evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Safety and efficacy study of a dual tissue effect based non-invasive abdominal body shaping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX.
  • 3. Diane I. Duncan M.D., Prof. Dr. Ivan Dinev Non – Invasive induction of muscle fiber hypertrophy and hyperplasia: Effects of high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) field evaluated in an in-vivo porcine model, 2018
  • 4. Brian Kinney M.D., David E Kent M.D. Long-Term Follow-up on Patients With HIFEM-Induced Abdominal Tissue Changes: MRI and CT Assisted Quantification of Muscle Growth and Fat Reduction, 2018
  • 5. Kent E. David, Jacob I. Carolyn. Computed tomography (CT) based evidence of simultaneous changes in human adipose and muscle tissues following a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) application: a new method for non-invasive body sculpting. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX.
  • 6. Jacob C., Paskova K. A novel non-invasive technology based on simultaneous induction of changes in adipose and muscle tissues: Safety and efficacy of a high intensity focused electro-magnetic field device used for abdominal body shaping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2018 Dallas, TX.
  • 7. Carolyn I. Jacob MD FAAD, Paula Lozanova MD. Efficacy of treatment with HIFEM Procedure in women after childbirth. Presented at the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology Conference, 2019 Las Vegas, USA.
  • 8. C. Jacob M.D., B. Kinney M.D., M. Busso M.D., S. Chilukuri M.D., JD McCoy N M.D., C. Bailey, R. Denkov M.D. High intensity focused electro-magnetic technology (HIFEM) for non-invasive buttock lifting and toning of gluteal muscles: A multi-center efficacy and safety study.
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